Thursday, March 26, 2015

How To Piss The BBC Off

Millions of people worldwide are extremely pissed off at the fact that they Unceremoniously Fired (Sacked) Jeremy Clarkson from Top Gear effectively running one of their best shows into the ground. Here some ways to piss the BBC off and let them know how you feel about the fucking pricks getting rid of Clarkson.

1. - If you live in the United Kingdom and you posses a Television License just cancel it effectively depriving the BBC of revenue (Please stay legal and get rid of everything that requires a Television License first before canceling the license).

2. - Parade around the Their Headquarters wearing shirts from their competitors (Like ITV, Channel 4, SKY,) and displaying signs advertising the same competitors as well (Please avoid disrupting pedestrian traffic).

3. - E-Mail the BBC officials and challenge them to watch the video telling the world that the BBC shot themselves in the foot by sacking Clarkson (Try to get the heads of their competitors to watch the video as well).

4. - Parade around the Their Headquarters holding a giant poster of Jeremy Clarkson (Respect the pedestrian traffic).

5. - Flood the E-Mail Inbox's of every BBC official with Pictures of Jeremy Clarkson and a Photo of yourself giving the finger (Show the BBC officials some middle fingers).

6. - Hand out pro Jeremy Clarkson flyers outside the BBC Headquarters.

7. - Petition Her Majesty, The Department for Culture, Media and Sport, The British Prime Minister and the Members of Parliament to revoke the Royal Charter of the BBC (Please Don't send anything Offensive, Obscene, Threatening, Discriminatory, or anything Pornographic).

Some Tips to be Professional in the process

If your protesting outside the BBC Headquarters (Or parading around with a giant poster of Jeremy Clarkson) and Police want you to stop and leave just tell them "Okay Officer we're walking" and walk away, If the BBC Officials tell you to cut out E-Mailing them middle finger pictures do so (They will eventually get sick of it), When petitioning in tip number 7 please respect those you petition (If they ask you to stop petitioning them just respect them and stop doing so).

These tips will let the BBC know how you feel about the fucking pricks getting rid of Clarkson unceremoniously.

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