Saturday, March 28, 2015

Can This Can Be Crowdfunded

First off I have multiple ideas that can be crowdfunded but this one I was thinking about for some time.

I was thinking about building a Motorized Bicycle but unfortunately do not have the funds necessary to even attempt it. But in the event that this could be successfully crowdfunded the entire build would be Filmed, Edited and Uploaded onto YouTube for everyone's viewing convenience there is the possibility that a certain percentage of that goal does not get met (Flexible funding source will be used) don't even worry in the event that happens the funds raised will be used to film Food and Drink related videos and future Guide To Cheap Living episodes for YouTube (Food and Drink products will cost money) any such videos can still happen if the sufficient amount of funds is raised and build is done under budget.

Here's what the Minimum and Maximum budget I would like to set for such a build.

$350.00 to $650.00 - Complete Motor Kit (2 Stroke)

$200.00 to $670.00 - Suitable Bicycle (Steel frame Mountain Bike)
$40.00 to $100.00 - 5 or 6 Gallon Gasoline Can (Preferably 6 Gallons)
$25.00 to $70.00 – 2 Gallon Gasoline Can (To be used when refueling the bicycle)
$35.00 - Plastic Funnel (Avoid any spills when refueling)
$100.00 to $225.00 - Motorcycle Helmet (Suitable since the finished product will likely be driven on surface streets)
$125.00 - Bicycle Rack (Mounted above the rear wheel) and Bags to put on them.
$80.00 to $165.00 - Bicycle speedometer

Total costs to build

$955.00 to $2,040.00 to completely build a Motorized Bicycle

Other Project ideas that I was think about that can also be crowdfunded (Any an all such builds will get filmed and uploaded onto YouTube) the estimated costs to build will be figured out later.

Trail Piglet - A homemade dirt bike with a powertrain from a Harley-Davidson Sportster and straight pipes and the frame will be homemade so that the powertrain that I want to use will fit (Thought of this one for several years).

Trail Hog - A homemade ATV with a powertrain from a Harley-Davidson (One of the larger models) also with straight pipes (Frame will also be homemade).

A homemade Go Kart with a powertrain from a high performance motorcycle (Thought of this one also for several years).

I am sure that I do have necessary tools needed to build a motorized bicycle and I do have access to additional tools needed (And I do know people who can weld) to build the other project ideas that I mentioned above.

E-Mail me your opinions on these ideas at gopher101entertainment(at)gmail(dot)com or leave a comment here.

Thursday, March 26, 2015

How To Piss The BBC Off

Millions of people worldwide are extremely pissed off at the fact that they Unceremoniously Fired (Sacked) Jeremy Clarkson from Top Gear effectively running one of their best shows into the ground. Here some ways to piss the BBC off and let them know how you feel about the fucking pricks getting rid of Clarkson.

1. - If you live in the United Kingdom and you posses a Television License just cancel it effectively depriving the BBC of revenue (Please stay legal and get rid of everything that requires a Television License first before canceling the license).

2. - Parade around the Their Headquarters wearing shirts from their competitors (Like ITV, Channel 4, SKY,) and displaying signs advertising the same competitors as well (Please avoid disrupting pedestrian traffic).

3. - E-Mail the BBC officials and challenge them to watch the video telling the world that the BBC shot themselves in the foot by sacking Clarkson (Try to get the heads of their competitors to watch the video as well).

4. - Parade around the Their Headquarters holding a giant poster of Jeremy Clarkson (Respect the pedestrian traffic).

5. - Flood the E-Mail Inbox's of every BBC official with Pictures of Jeremy Clarkson and a Photo of yourself giving the finger (Show the BBC officials some middle fingers).

6. - Hand out pro Jeremy Clarkson flyers outside the BBC Headquarters.

7. - Petition Her Majesty, The Department for Culture, Media and Sport, The British Prime Minister and the Members of Parliament to revoke the Royal Charter of the BBC (Please Don't send anything Offensive, Obscene, Threatening, Discriminatory, or anything Pornographic).

Some Tips to be Professional in the process

If your protesting outside the BBC Headquarters (Or parading around with a giant poster of Jeremy Clarkson) and Police want you to stop and leave just tell them "Okay Officer we're walking" and walk away, If the BBC Officials tell you to cut out E-Mailing them middle finger pictures do so (They will eventually get sick of it), When petitioning in tip number 7 please respect those you petition (If they ask you to stop petitioning them just respect them and stop doing so).

These tips will let the BBC know how you feel about the fucking pricks getting rid of Clarkson unceremoniously.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Bottom Barrel Camera History Part 2

Mustek DV316L

 Bottom Barrel Service Life - Mid to Late March 2009 to Late May 2009, Officially Retired March 16, 2015.

 Bottom Barrel Service History

The Mustek DV316L has the shortest Bottom Barrel Service Life of all of the cameras used by the Bottom Of The Barrel, The camera was gotten for free.

This camera has Sound Quality that was worse than the DV3500 model but it was able to film at 640x480 in 30 FPS (The DV350 could film in 640x480 but unfortunately in a lower frame rate), The Video Quality was somewhat better than the DV3500, I never made any attempts to take any pictures (Why do that when I had a Digital Camera that took superior quality pictures) or record any sound with it, It had a built in light which allowed filming in darker environments.

The camera was abruptly withdrawn from a short service after the Kodak Zi6 entered service, A video that was filmed and edited before the Kodak Zi6 was put into service never got uploaded (I decided to just upload videos in Quality and Widescreen High Definition when that happened).

This camera will be subjected to some "Stress" tests followed by a Official Retirement Ceremony (The DV316L may likely make it's final journey to either a Landfill or Electronics Recycling after that) in the future than it will be good riddance to another Shitty Quality Video Camera (Definitely the last Low End Shitty Video Camera I will ever own) and I'm never using a Mustek product Again.

3/26/2015 UPDATE - This Camera was Officially Retired on March 16, 2015 the video can be seen here

Bottom Barrel Camera History Part 1

Mustek DV3500

Bottom Barrel Service Life - Late December 2003 to Mid May 2009 (Relegated to backup from Mid to Late March 2009 till Mid May 2009), Became inoperable in October 2009, Was officially Retired on August 19, 2010.

 Bottom Barrel Service History

The Mustek DV3500 was the camera that was used when the Bottom Of The Barrel had began, The video quality was shitty (As with Low End Video Cameras) but the sound quality was viable, It had a odd video ratio (352x288) that filmed in 30FPS and the videos we're recorded in .asf format. It did take decent pictures and it had MP3 playing and sound recording capabilites.

This camera survived being dropped onto a trap pad (in Early May 2008) and it still worked until it was taken out of service, It was relegated to backup in Mid to Late March 2009 when the Mustek DV316L was put into service.

This camera was used to film numerous videos (Raw And Edited Footage) that will never see the light of day (Safety and Copyright reasons), It was withdrawn from service after Riding Mower Action 2 was filmed (At roughly the Same Time that the Mustek DV316L was withdrawn from service due to the Kodak Zi6 having entered service).

After the camera had stopped working in October 2009 it was disassembled and footage of the dead disassembled camera was Featured in How A Low End Flash Memory Digital Video Camera Works.

The camera was Officially Retired on August 19, 2010 (The footage filmed after editing became the Official 100th video when uploaded to YouTube on November 19, 2011).

That Camera had Served long and Served Me Well at the time Good Riddance to that shitty video quality.

Sunday, March 8, 2015

The Bottom Of The Barrel Is Now On Twitter

The Bottom Of The Barrel now has a presence on Twitter the address is check it out and see that Twitter has now hit Rock Bottom.